Creamy Beef Mac & Cheese

I don’t think the mac & cheese meal will ever get old. On those busy on the go days, when you just don’t have the time and patience to make something healthy and great for the family or yourself. Mac & cheese is the simplest option on some of those days. It fills up your tummy and satisfies them carbs cravings. This creamy beef mac & cheese recipe is so simple to make, most importantly it has meat in it and is so so delicious!

This recipe is a bit out of the ordinary macaroni and cheese. It contains meat, which in my opinion, it makes this meal a lot richer and flavorful.

One of the most famous American dishes since 1937. Every American kid including myself grew up with macaroni and cheese, let’s keep the tradition!



servings: 9 SERVINGS


  • 0.7 lbs. ground beef
  • 1 tsp garlic
  • 1 large green onion
  • 1 tbsp seasoned salt (add more if needed)
  • ½ tsp balsamic vinegar
  • ½ tsp garlic powder
  • ½ tsp black pepper
  • A pinch Cayenne 
  • A pinch dry basil
  • 1 cup mozzarella & cheddar cheese mixture
  • 5 tbsp flour
  • 2 cups milk
  • 5 tsp butter
  • 1 box elbows pasta


  1. On a medium sized pan, sauté the garlic & green onions in butter on medium-high fire for a few minutes. Add in the ground beef, mix until the meat turns from a red to a light brown color. Add in the black pepper, seasoned salt, Cayenne, dry basil, balsamic vinegar, garlic powder.
  2. In a small-medium pot, heat up butter on a medium-high fire until fully melted. Add on flour, whisk for a few minutes until there’s no flour crumbles. Whilst whisking, add in milk little by little until turned into a soft cream.
  3. Boil water in a medium pot, add in 1 box of the elbows pasta. Cook on low-medium fire until slightly under-cooked. 
  4. Mix the cooked meat & cream sauce along with the pasta. Place in a glass dish or any baking dish. Add mozzarella & cheddar cheese mixture on top of the dish and place a foil sheet over the dish.
  5. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Bake for 30 minutes.
  6. Enjoy and let me know your thoughts! 😊
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